Bình Dương


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Binh Duong is a province in the Southeast region, with a natural area of ​​2,695.22km2 (accounting for about 0.83% of the country's area, about 12% of the Southeast area). Population is 1,482,636 people (April 1, 2009), population density is about 550 people/km2.


Binh Duong is a province located in a transitional position between the southern slopes of the Truong Son range, connecting southern Truong Son with the Mekong Delta provinces; is a plateau province with weakly undulating terrain from high to low, from 10m to 15m above sea level. The central location of the province is at geographical coordinates from 10 o -50'-27'' to 11 o -24'-32'' north latitude and from 106 o -20' to 106 o 25' east longitude .


Binh Duong land is relatively flat, gradually lowering from north to south. In general, Binh Duong has many different terrain regions: low mountain terrain with weak waves, flat terrain, alluvial valleys... There are some low mountains, such as Chau Thoi mountain ( Di An district), Cau mountain (also known as Lap Vo mountain) in Dau Tieng district... and some low hills.


Natural laws affecting this land create many different geomorphological forms: there are eroded areas, there are accumulation areas (due to the deposition of eroded materials along the flow), there are moderate areas. eroded, accumulated and deposited. The main cause is rainwater and currents acting on the ground, plus the impact of wind, temperature, climate, landslides and collapse due to gravity of the geological foundation. These impacts last for millions of years.


The climate in Binh Duong is like the climate regime of the Southeast region: hot sun and lots of rain, quite high humidity. It has a stable tropical monsoon climate, with the year divided into two distinct seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season usually starts from May and lasts until the end of October.


In the early months of the rainy season, heavy showers often appear, then stop completely. The months of July, August, and September are usually rainy months. There were heavy rains that lasted 1-2 days and nights continuously. Especially in Binh Duong there are almost no storms, but are only affected by nearby storms.


The average annual temperature in Binh Duong ranges from 26 oC -27 oC . The highest temperature sometimes reaches 39.3 oC  and the lowest ranges from 16 oC -17 oC  (at night) and 18 oC  in the early morning. In the dry season, the annual average humidity is from 76% -80%, the highest is 86% (in September) and the lowest is 66% (in February). The average annual rainfall is 1,800-2,000mm. At the So Sao intersection of Binh Duong, the average measurement during the year was up to 2,113.3mm.


Traveling culture

Along with impressive economic development, Binh Duong is also known for its rich and diverse culture, bearing many common features of the Southern cultural and historical flow but still has its own unique features. Currently, the province has 12 national-level historical and cultural relics and 44 provincial-level historical and cultural relics. As a land rich in traditional culture, Binh Duong is marked with many unique handicraft products, crafted from craft villages more than 300 years old, typically the carpentry and wood carving villages in Chanh. Nghia, Phu Tho; ceramic village in Lai Thieu, Tan Phuoc Khanh; lacquer village in Tuong Binh Hiep…


Binh Duong is also famous for its famous landscapes, tourist areas, and traditional festivals such as Lai Thieu fruit garden, Nui Cau - Dau Tieng lake tourist area, Dai Nam Van Hien Lost Landscape tourist area. , Ba Thien Hau Pagoda festival... In terms of cuisine, Binh Duong is famous for many famous specialties such as: banh beo bi, banh khot, Lai Thieu spring rolls, roasted chicken with puffed sticky rice, mangosteen chicken salad, green salad Shrimp and meat mixing pot, eel porridge, grilled beef on tile, beef hotpot dipped in shrimp paste, shrimp vermicelli... In particular, the My Lien Banh Beo brand in Bung market (Thuan An city) with a history of more than 100 years is recognized as One of 10 Vietnamese specialties with Asian culinary value.



Binh Duong is a province with a very important road and waterway transportation system connecting regions inside and outside the province. In the road system, there is National Highway 13 - an extremely important strategic road originating from Ho Chi Minh City, running the entire length of the province from the south to the north, passing through Binh Phuoc province and connecting Vuong Vuong. Cambodia to the Thai border. This is a road that has strategic significance both militarily and economically.


National Highway 14, from Tay Ninh through Dau Tieng to Chon Thanh, Dong Xoai, Bu Dang (Binh Phuoc province) throughout the vast Central Highlands, is an important strategic road both in war and in times of peace. peace of building the country. There is also inter-provincial road 1A from Thu Dau Mot to Phuoc Long (Binh Phuoc); Inter-provincial road 13 from Chon Thanh to Dong Phu, Dau Tieng; inter-provincial road 16 from Tan Uyen to Phuoc Vinh; Highway 14 from Ben Cat to Dau Tieng... and the road system connecting the town with towns and residential areas in the province.


Regarding the waterway transportation system, Binh Duong is located between three large rivers, especially the Saigon River. Binh Duong can connect with major ports in the south and exchange goods with Mekong Delta provinces.

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