(TITC) - Many international tourists showed excitement when going to the rice fields for the first time to water and plant rice with farmers in "Cam Chau Rice Field Festival 2024" in Hoi An.

On 2nd January, in the rice fields of An My Village (Cam Chau Ward, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province), Hoi An City People’s Committee organised "Cam Chau Rice Field Festival 2024".

The festival aims to create an exciting atmosphere among all farmers before entering the new season, promising to achieve a bumper harvest.

The event attracted many international visitors to join with large number of farmers in Hoi An (Photo: toquoc.vn)

This is also an opportunity for farmers to exchange and share experiences in growing wet rice on how to harvest higher rice yields and better quality in the new crop season, as well as implementing the Winter-Spring crop production plan successfully. At the same time, preserve and promote the intangible cultural values of the traditional profession of wet rice growing, encourage farmers to raise awareness of preserving the beauty of traditional crafts and promoting the nation's culture.

International visitors enjoy going to the rice fields with Hoi An farmers (Photo: toquoc.vn)

Activities taking place at the festival include: Demonstration of buffaloes ploughing fields, performing a lineup of tractor-pulled plough and long-handles buckets (16 ploughing tractors, decorated with the national flag and festival flags; 2 long-handles buckets and 4 people participating in bailing out water), contest "I am a farmer". In particular, the farmer experience activity has attracted dozens of international tourists to participate.

​In addition, there are other activities such as: offerings to heaven and earth; launching agricultural production; Supporting agricultural materials for farmers representing 9 production areas and organising tree planting…

Even though the weather was not favourable and it was raining, the event still attracted many international visitors travelling to the ancient town of Hoi An to join with large number of farmers.

Participating in the experience of being farmers, members of Melania's family (from Spain) put on boots, raincoats, conical hats, waded into the fields to scoop water, plant rice…

“This is the first time my family has travelled to Hoi An and I feel very happy to participate in this activity. Certainly, when I return home, I will tell my friends about my wonderful New Year's trip to Vietnam”, Ms. Melania shared with To quoc Newspaper.

In addition to the experience of being a farmer, Cam Chau Rice Field Festival 2024 also has food stalls to serve visitors with rustic, typical Quang dishes such as Quang noodles bowl, banh xeo (crispy pancakes)...

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